Strategic Relations Meeting with County Municipalities
KCEDA’s Strategic Relations Committee has recently begun an effort to meet with municipalities throughout the county to discuss what their area’s needs are and what assistance KCEDA can provide. Recently the committee presented to the City of Malin, where Executive Director Greg O’Sullivan, as well as KCEDA Members, Randy Shaw and Al Pranghofer, spoke about the history of KCEDA and its new vision. The committee will continue meeting with other municipalities within Klamath County in the upcoming months, as they soon will be visiting both Merrill and Chiloquin. Recently, KCEDA representatives visited Crescent, and following conversations with their area business owners, have begun assisting on a special projects such as supporting the efforts of the Crescent Sanitary District to build a new waste-water system.
To access KCEDA’s letter of support to Crescent Sanitary District, please refer to the link just below.
KCEDA Letter of Support – Crescent Sanitary District (Waste Water Treatment)