Congressman Walden Visits Klamath to Discuss Airport


On Friday, March 4th, Congressman Walden visited Klamath Falls, where several members of KCEDA along with other local leaders from the community came to hear him speak in Klamath’s local terminal about the Treating Small Airports with Fairness legislation. In this forum, Walden presented on the necessity of the legislation’s approval by discussing the economic benefits of commercial airports for rural areas such as Klamath Falls. He then went into what obstacles were currently present regarding TSA and its impact on Klamath’s local air services, where he proceeded to speak on how this proposed legislation, if approved, would address those barriers in addition to speaking about what efforts were being made to help the bill be positioned to pass. For more details on this meeting, along with other updates related to local air services, please refer to the links below. 

Walden Press Release – Clearing the Runway for Klamath Airport

Herald and News Article (Holly Dillemuth): Walden Fights to Return TSA to Klamath 

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