KCEDA Press Release: Support for Jordan Cove LNG

Klamath Falls, Oregon (June 26, 2017) – KCEDA is proud to support the Jordan Cove LNG.

The Port of Coos Bay is a potential economic driver for the region that has been not used to its full potential for many years.  The economic success of Coos Bay will be of great benefit to the people in the areas but will also provide direct benefit to the people of Klamath County in terms of spillover jobs, economic activity and tax revenue. A partial list of the benefits includes:

  • Jordan Cove’s approximate $10 billion capital investment in Oregon, its approximately $48 million in annual corporate taxes, $62 million in annual local taxes and payments in lieu of taxes will benefit the state and Southern Oregon’s economy and local governments. Klamath County will receive approximately $5 million of this tax revenue every year the facility is in operation providing a much-needed boost to county tax revenues.
  • The economic ripple benefits of construction workers’ income will contribute directly or indirectly to state and local payroll taxes, increased spending at local businesses, construction vendors, job training, increased local charitable contributions, tourism and more. This project will create 3,500 new construction jobs for 2-4 years and those workers will be earning an average of $80,000 a year plus benefits, more than double the average wage of Southern Oregon counties.
  • Increased natural gas supply to Southern Oregon. The Pacific Connector Gas Pipeline will allow for increased supply of natural gas to Douglas, Jackson and Klamath counties and will provide opportunities for local distribution companies to provide gas service to communities that currently do not have it. This will lead to even more business investment in Southern Oregon and even more good-paying jobs. For example, Jordan Cove has already signed an agreement with the Klamath County Chamber of Commerce to provide a tap near Merrill so that the local distribution company can provide natural gas service to Merrill.

Environmentally, there will be limited impact to streams and rivers, as more than half the bodies of water that will be crossed are intermittent and dry. This in addition to the modern construction methods, such as the horizontal directional drilling, which goes well below the riverbed, serve to be very helpful in avoiding impacts.

As the region’s economic development agency, we reiterate support for this project, and encourage those who would like to provide testimony at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) hearing to please do so.

The FERC scoping meeting will be held:

Thursday, June 29, 2017 – 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Oregon Institute of Technology

College Union Building

Mt. Bailey and Mt. Theilsen Rooms

3201 Campus Drive

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

Members of the public who cannot attend can submit written comments to FERC before July 10, 2017 at https://ferconline.ferc.gov/QuickComment.aspx.

About the Klamath County Economic Development Association (KCEDA)

Since 1975, KCEDA has reflected the best of private enterprise, responsibility and dedication. Its mission is to provide tailored recruitment and retention/expansion programs, new opportunities for jobs, and a diversified, value-added industrial base/expanded economic development climate in southern Oregon. Learn more at www.ChooseKlamath.com.

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