Gas Line Expansion Underway in Klamath Falls
This article was in Sunday’s (August 27th, 2017) Herald and News
Written By: Kurt Liedtke, H&N Staff Reporter
Excavators and trucks have become a common sight along Foothills Boulevard in Klamath Falls, where Brotherton Pipeline is conducting a natural gas line is being constructed for Avista.
The project, estimated to take six weeks to complete, is a 4,800-foot natural gas line of eight-inch steel. The line is being constructed adjacent to the Herald and News offices and City School Bus depot along Foothills Boulevard, and will extend to Highway 97.
According to Brotherton Pipeline General Manager Peter Anhorn, Avista is the facility owner for the project that is being conducted with Pacific Gas and Electric and Northwest Natural.
While Brotherton Pipeline has a Klamath Falls office, the crews working have been dispatched from the corporate offices of Gold Hill to conduct the necessary drilling and digging in preparation for laying pipe. The crew currently on site works for a variety of projects for Avista and others across the West Coast, according to Anhorn.
While the project may slow traffic at times along Foothills Boulevard, it is not expected to cause any major delays on Highway 97. Drivers are asked to take extra caution in the general vicinity and expect to see an increase in construction vehicles.
“We should be far enough off the road that we won’t need to close a lane, but the shoulder might be closed,” said Arnhorn regarding construction near the highway. “Our main focus on this is fire prevention and making sure the school buses can get in and out and businesses remain open.”
The gas main project is expected to be completed by October. Messages to Avista regarding the current construction project were not returned.