Retail Coach Presents Primary and Secondary Studies

Retail Coach Primary and Secondary Studies 

In a coordinated effort to improve Klamath’s retail presence, the City of Klamath Falls with the help of multiple local partners, including KCEDA, has hired the Retail Coach to do a retail market analysis of Klamath, performing macro and micro trade area assessments as they prepare to actively recruit on behalf of our area. 

Recently, Retail Coach releasRetail Coach logo(Bronze)ed two initial reports, a Primary Retail Trade Area Demographic Profile and a Secondary Retail Trade Area Demographic Profile. These reports provide past, present, and projected information on area households (income, type, size, mortgage status), employment (by occupation, industry), population (race/ethnicity, education attainment, age, sex, martial status), and more. 

To access these reports, please refer to the underlined links below.

Retail Coach – Primary Trade Area Demographic Profile

Retail Coach – Secondary Trade Area Demographic Profile

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