KCEDA Holds Annual Meeting
KCEDA Annual Meeting Recap
The Klamath County Economic Development Association (KCEDA) held its Annual Meeting on June 29th, having several board members and other local leaders in attendance. The meeting was a festive affair, covering certain business items, while also celebrating KCEDA’s accomplishments over this past year, where the organization additionally used the venue as a platform to introduce plans for the upcoming year.
During the meeting KCEDA approved 5 board members into the organization: Sam Porter from REACH Inc., Lauren Jespersen from Edgewood Ranch, Albert Wedam as an individual member, Kelley Minty-Morris from the Klamath County Commissioners, and Nathan Cherpeski from the City of Klamath Falls.
After the approval of these members, former KCEDA President, Joe McBride, began elections of board members from Regular, Silver and Gold Level memberships, officers and members of the executive committee. KCEDA voted Sam Porter, Lauren Jespersen, and Albert Wedam onto the Board from the Regular Level membership. KCEDA then voted Kendall Bell onto the Board from the Silver Level membership, and left the Gold Level Board seat vacant for the time being. The KCEDA Board voted in officers Lauren Jespersen as President, Mark Wendt as Vice President, Albert Wedam as Secretary, and Ann Cavanaugh as Treasurer. Officers were automatically placed on the Executive Committee, and the Board elected Matt Hurley, Sam Porter, Todd Andres, Jason Nash, Russ Carter, Stan Gilbert, and Randy Shaw to fulfill the remaining Executive Committee slots.
Following elections, KCEDA’s new Executive Director, Greg O’Sullivan, offered his thanks to the community figures in attendance for all the effort and resources that they have been put in, acknowledging that the investment of their time and talents has put the organization in a position to make a major impact on further enhancing the county’s business environment. O’Sullivan then continued into a presentation regarding his vision for KCEDA in the upcoming year, identifying development opportunities by discussing where Klamath is strong, areas in which our county can improve, and strategies that will help advance our community’s economy forward. During O’Sullivan’s presentation, he placed emphasis on providing support and strengthening relationships with public, private, and nonprofit organizations in the area through active collaboration. He proceeded to discuss KCEDA’s mission to develop a comprehensive marketing and business attraction plan within the next few months. O’Sullivan summarized his vision, stating, “KCEDA will lead an effort to recruit, retain, and grow quality jobs. We will create a thriving and diverse Klamath that is attractive to businesses and industries, and we will push for the retention and expansion of existing businesses.”