Discover Klamath on the Value of Tourism

Discover Klamath: Tourism Adds Economic Value

By: Jim Chadderdon, Discover Klamath

According to a recently released report by the Oregon Tourism Commission, the value to Oregon’s economy of inbound tourism is $10.3B annually. Additionally, over 100K jobs are supported by tourism in Oregon. Here in Klamath County, inbound tourism revenues have grown from $128M to about $150M in recent years. Over 1850 local jobs are supported by tourism. People are discovering Klamath more and more as a result of our less congested area, broad recreational opportunities, emerging cultural offerings, and friendly people. Your local tourism office, Discover Klamath, promotes the region throughout the year to prospective visitors in the western United States and Western Canada using a multi-media approach of TV, Tradeshows, Web and Print Advertising, Public Relations, and Printed Collateral materials. Tourism is a key element to both attracting and retaining new and existing businesses to our area. For more information:

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