February Board Meeting Summary


oregon techOn February 8th KCEDA Members attended the monthly board meeting at the Oregon Institute of Technology (OIT). Items covered in this meeting were updates regarding utilities, discussion on the upcoming SiteLink conference, as well committee reports. The Organizational Committee discussed membership recruitment efforts have transitioned to being more directed towards potential Gold, Silver, and Regular membership prospects. As a special presentation, Oregon Tech President, Chris Maples, spoke to the board about the economic impact Oregon Tech has on a local and state level, and concluded his talk by speaking about what plans Oregon Tech has in the upcoming future, and how KCEDA and the Klamath County business community can benefit. To review President Maples presentation, please refer to the link provided just below. The next KCEDA Board Meeting will be held on March 21st at 5PM, taking place within the Coldwell Banker building. 

OIT’s Economic Impact (President Maples Presentation Slides)

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