KCEDA Partnership: Workforce Survey
We need your input! Can you give us 15 minutes to help build a vital economic future?
KCEDA, Oregon Tech, KCC, the Chamber, SBDC, and SCOEDD have formed a talent development partnership. The purpose is to enhance business retention, growth and prosperity in the region.
Our goal is to develop a highly skilled workforce for local companies to increase their competitiveness in the global market and raise the skills and employability levels of local residents.
Please follow this link http://survey.constantcontact.com/survey/a07edh2m6xtivlb3z5s/start and spend 15 minutes or so to complete an online needs assessment. Your answers will be used to create needed educational degrees, individual work skill training opportunities, and business success trainings that will help you reach your goals.
Thank you for your time and help!