Website Launch (H&N Guest Commentary)

By: Greg O’Sullivan, KCEDA Executive Director 

There’s a lot going on at the Klamath County Economic Development Association (KCEDA).

To start, we have a new website. This is important for people to know about because it’s designed to improve the quality of life in our county by supporting our economic growth.

As I tell people often, KCEDA strives to improve the quality of life for every resident in our great county by improving the local economy. Through our new site,, we hope to demonstrate to anyone seeking a new business location that Klamath County is the place for them — a place where their business can grow, expand and thrive.Greg

If you’re a resident who cares about our local economy, my hope is that you will refer others to when they are seeking a place to set up shop for the first time or expand an existing business.

What is interesting is that after going out to bid and considering national firms from as far away as Texas, we chose a local Klamath Falls firm. Don’t get me wrong: I believe in shopping local, but when it comes to innovation, professional marketing talent, delivering hard-hitting content and eye-catching graphics geared to local and national audiences, it is often a challenge. (Note to self: don’t underestimate the talent right here at home.)

With that said, the KCEDA Marketing Committee proudly utilized the services of a Klamath Falls based business, the incredible firm SmithBates Marcomm Solutions to create the website and its impressive geographic information system (GIS) technology.

Here’s why we’re so proud of this new GIS system: It makes a “one-stop-shop” resource for internal and external audiences who want to know more about Klamath County. When we say “internal audience,” that includes business owners, investors, resource providers, and KCEDA members here locally — and by “external audience,” we mean outside brokers, site selectors, new or expanding businesses, and state/political figures and agencies.

The technology on is designed to help these people find what they need right here in our county — whether it’s information on advancing a specific business project, or data that can help them identify what opportunities are available to them here.

Through, these important players can learn about our incredible service providers and other resources. It’s everything they need to know about our county and more, and we hope it will encourage them to choose Klamath for their future business interests.

Next, we want to let the public know that KCEDA is working closely with local businesses, the real estate community, state organizations, and other entities to make further updates to the website. These updates will help expand and give depth to demographics data, case studies, property listings such as the Tech Hills business park, and more.

The new developments here at KCEDA can be instrumental in helping our county progress toward a more prosperous future. If you have any questions after viewing, give us a call; we will be happy to speak with you! KCEDA can be reached at (541) 882-9600.

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